Untitled, Revelation Will Be Televised

Artist: Sophia Dawson

This cow will be “grazing” at the Industry City – Brooklyn Pasture

About Sophia Dawson

Sophia Dawson, 33, is a Brooklyn and Atlanta based visual artist who has dedicated her life’s work to exposing the stories and experiences of individuals who are striving to overcome the injustices they face both individually and collectively. By raising awareness of these individuals she aims to humanize social justice issues and to prevent such experiences from being repeated in the future.  Some of the individuals featured in her work include mothers who have lost their children to police brutality both past and present, the Exonerated 5 and political prisoners from the Black Liberation movement that are still incarcerated within the United States.

Sophia holds a bachelor’s degree in fine arts from the School of Visual Arts and a masters degree in visual arts administration from New York University. Her work has recently been exhibited in Rush Arts Gallery and the Bronx Museum for the Arts as well as the 2020 US Open. She is a recent participant of the Whitney Museum’s Independent Study program and a recent resident of the Bronx Museum of Art’s first residency program. She is a 2020 PAIR Artist fellow working with the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice.  She facilitates art workshops at Rikers Island through her company I Am Wet Paint and also became a member of the faculty of the Fine Art Department at the School of Visual Arts in 2020.  In 2020, Sophia was one of three artists selected to design the “Black Lives Matter” street mural for Foley Square in New York City.  Throughout the spring and summer of 2020 her public art for the movement was featured in Forbes Magazine, on New York 1 and on ABC Nightline. Click here to learn more about Sophia.

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Interested in Purchasing this Cow?

Dawson’s cow will be sold at our online auction by Heritage Auctions September 9-October 7 to benefit God’s Love. Please contact us at to learn more about purchasing this cow.

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