What an amazing day! The God’s Love We Deliver team was in full force for the Heritage of Pride March on June 27, 2010. Volunteers, staff and friends over 60-strong walked, skipped and danced down Fifth Avenue. Sure, it was INSANELY hot, but a little heat couldn’t dampen our spirit or pride! The amazing Volunteer Department duo Emily and Stephen took charge and revved up the group with cheers and their infectious energy (and they even brought hairnets for everyone!). BIG thanks to all our volunteers who showed up to show their support. For anyone who’s ever marched with God’s Love, you know what an overwhelming response our team gets from the crowd. Not only does it make the day really fun, it’s also so moving and makes you realize just how important the work you do is. A great time was had by all and we’re already looking forward to next year’s (though maybe hoping for some cooler weather!). You can check out photos from the day on Flickr.