Food Safety

Keeping food safe from contamination is an extremely important part of food handling and preparation. Good practices keep everyone healthy, especially people living with serious illness.

What is food borne illness?

How prevalent is it?

What about personal hygiene?

How do I store food?

What are best practices for food preparation?

To what temperatures should I cook my food?

How do I safely handle frozen meals?

How do I safely handle frozen soups?

How do I safely handle desserts?


Food Safety Instructions

Published on Nov 30, 2016

In this video, you will find information on how to properly re-heat the meals that are delivered to you from God’s Love We Deliver.

Food Safety Instructions in Chinese

Published on Mar 28, 2018

In this video, you will find information on how to properly re-heat the meals that are delivered to you from God’s Love We Deliver.

Instrucciones de como mantener la comida segura //Food Safety Instructions

Published on Jul 25, 2018

En este video, encontrarà información sobre como descongelar y recalentar las comidas que God’s Love We Deliver le entrega.