/ Nutrition

Introducing: Our New Publication, Nutrition Tips for Dialysis

The Nutrition Services Department is excited to announce our latest nutrition publication, Nutrition & Dialysis. Nutrition is a key part of healthcare for people living with kidney disease, and we are pleased to add this booklet to our collection of nutrition resources available to the community.

Written by our Registered Dietitian Nutritionists, the guide reflects new nutritional guidelines from the National Kidney Foundation for people on hemodialysis. Working with the Registered Dietitian Nutritionist at the dialysis facility remains central to individualizing nutritional needs, however, there is now an overall emphasis on fresh and more plant-based foods for people who are on dialysis. Monitoring sodium, fluid and the intake of foods containing phosphorus additives remains especially important, as does getting the right amount of energy and protein. Our booklet reviews general recommendations for energy, protein, sodium, fluids, phosphorus, and potassium, and includes lots of photos to illustrate examples.

The booklet is available in English as a download here, and will soon be translated into Spanish. For print copies, please email

8.28.24 / Nutrition

Plan with MyPlate!

This August and all year-round, stay healthy and follow the MyPlate guidelines for planning nutritious meals and snacks!