Jamie Lopez, MS, RDN, CDN
Years at God’s Love: 5.5 years
Years as RDN: 6 years
Nutrition specialty/area of interest: Specializing in Intuitive Eating, weight inclusive health care
What activities do you enjoy? Eating, listening to music & yoga.
What is your favorite God’s Love menu item? Beef Picadillo
Tell us a little-known fact about yourself: I love to hike and travel. 3 years ago, I had an eat, pray, love experience and hiked 40 miles across northern Israel, from Nazareth to Capernaum.
When did you realize God’s Love was special? The moment I walked in. The friendliness from every person I met, the genuine concern for client well-being, and the overall energy of God’s Love is what makes it a very special place to work and volunteer.
Who is/was your biggest influence as a RDN? Carolina Guizar, MS, RDN, former GLWD Nutrition team member, she was the one who introduced me to Intuitive Eating
What are your favorite foods? It’s hard to pick one, but bread and cheese are my favorite combos. Burgers and pizza, and of course fries! Yum
If you could live by a particular quote or saying, what would it be? Fight for the things you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.-RBG