You can help our clients feel safe and secure during any winter weather.
Donate to sponsor our shelf-stable meals for our clients! Each box, at $54, contains enough shelf-stable food components for one week of nutrition. These components include tuna fish, applesauce, beans, peanut butter and more.
In extraordinary times like these, we feel so grateful for our community that makes our operation run. Thank you for your ongoing generosity and support.
Our neighbors need us now more than ever.
The people we serve are among the most vulnerable to COVID-19. All of them have underlying medical conditions that make it more likely they’ll contract the virus, and many of them are also elderly—another significant risk-factor.
COVID-19 has increased demand for meals by 30%. With your help, we continue to meet this growing meed so that everyone can Celebrate with a Plate.
Thanks to the generous support of people like you, we delivered
210,000 shelf-stable emergency meals
for our clients and their families at the start of COVID-19.