Actors and Performers
The Actors Fund
Housing, financial assistance, job training, senior care, social services, and more
Actors and Performers
Housing, financial assistance, job training, senior care, social services, and more
Immigrants, refugees, and asylees from the Africa diaspora
HIV testing, legal services, housing, food, and ESL.
People living with HIV/AIDS and/or Hepatitis C
Medical care, case management, harm reduction and syringe exchange, health education and prevention services, transitional and permanent housing services, legal services, a licensed mental health clinic, and a food pantry program.
People living with HIV/AIDS
HIV testing, addiction treatment, housing, job training, and more
Public benefits screening, immigration services, job training, homeless prevention, eviction prevention, senior services, and more.
Individuals Living with and Affected by HIV/AIDS
Healthcare services, housing, job training, and legal services.
Homecare; affordable housing; Holocaust survivors' support; Alzheimer's support
Families and children; seniors
Youth care and education programs; homecare and supportive services for older adults.
Education, childcare, youth, senior services, job training, nutrition, and counseling.
Food, clothing and shelter enhanced by health and mental health services, substance abuse treatment, HIV prevention and care, domestic violence education and services, immigrant services, vocational training, transitional and permanent housing, legal and financial services and services for at-risk youth.
Adults; families, and children
Homeless shelters; foster care; HIV/AIDS case management services, and day care.