/ Volunteer

God’s Love We Deliver Welcomes Student Volunteers from Tokyo!

Have love, will travel! Last weekend, the God’s Love We Deliver offices were host to a group of high school-age volunteers who visited all the way from Tokyo, Japan!

These students were touring New York City as part of a cultural exchange program facilitated by NY de Volunteer, a nonprofit dedicated to sparking love for volunteering in Japanese youth by pairing visiting school groups with local charities.

For many of the students, this was their first volunteering experience ever. They were shocked to realize that our volunteers don’t get paid for their time! As is often the case with our volunteer corps, they were moved by our mission and quickly got to work, assembling over 625 breakfast kits for our clients. After that, they created one-of-a-kind cards and origami creations for our clients’ birthdays, an international expression of love.

The students saw our entire production process during a tour of our facility, leading them to comment: “Seeing this made me realize that [giving food to those in need] is not ‘someone else’s’ problem, but is relevant to me.” God’s Love transcends borders and language barriers. We were so proud to be a part of these students’ philanthropic journey. Safe travels and arigatō, NY de Volunteer!

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