God’s Love We Deliver has never stopped working through the continued challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the early days, we adapted rapidly to meet increased demand while instituting social distancing measures that decreased volunteer and staff capacity. In this new pandemic, we have drawn from our legacy of caring for those who are isolated and
alone, too sick to shop or cook for themselves, to respond to COVID-19 and build an even stronger community and city.
God’s Love, along with other medically tailored meal organizations, were essential in meeting the crisis of food insecurity that resulted from necessary social distancing policies and inevitable economic disruption. Reliable and safe home delivery is more important than ever: our food helps reduce hospital admission for people who are especially vulnerable to the most dire outcomes of this virus. We remain committed to the safety of every volunteer, staff member, client and family member in our reach as we continue to navigate the ongoing changes of life during COVID-19.
As of this writing, the infection rate is on the rise again all over New York City. We continue to be there for our vulnerable neighbors, including so many who are isolated from their family and caregivers due to the need for social distancing. Our Human Resources Department keeps staff and volunteers informed on the latest COVID-19 safety protocols to ensure
everyone entering our building is safe. Staff and volunteers are always required to wear masks while in the building. For Thanksgiving, we maintained all safety protocols to ensure clients, volunteers, supporters and staff remained safe and socially distanced at all meal distribution centers and during delivery. We have held many of of our events virtually, to ensure attendees could participate while also staying safe. Many things have changed since March 2020, but at God’s Love the most important thing has not: we continue to enroll
clients in our program of home-delivered, medically tailored meals and unlimited nutrition education and counseling, and we cook and deliver all meals with lots of love. We were able to rise to the occasion because of compassionate donors and supporters like you.